What is Suboxone?
Suboxone is an FDA approved mixed opiate agonist/antagonist medication that is taken daily to stop the cycle of craving, opioid abuse and withdrawal. It is a tool that helps patients with addiction be successful with sobriety.
Is Suboxone right for me?
Drug addiction? Drug abuse? Overuse of prescribed medications? Recurrent withdrawals? Is your life consumed by prescription medications that control you, your time, and your finances?
Suboxone is an excellent tool to end the cycle of craving, abuse and withdrawals. Lifestyle modification, counseling and life coaching are the cornerstone of our outpatient program, in addition to the prescribing of Suboxone.
Suboxone is an FDA approved mixed opiate agonist/antagonist medication that is taken dailey to stop the cycle of craving, opioid abuse and withdrawal. It is a tool that helps patients with addiction be successful with sobriety.
Visits include the urine drug screening at each visit, but not lab
confirmation testing which is required periodically. Without insurance, there is a $65 charge each time a confirmation test is sent to the lab.
Initial visit $250
Follow up visits $150
How It Works
Suboxone is prescribed only by providers certified by the Drug Enforcement Agency for the treatment of opioid dependence. It is prescribed in our office during your regular monthly visits.
We do not provide methadone at our clinic. Methadone can only be prescribed at methadone centers, which require daily visits and dispensing of methadone.
All risks and benefits of treatment will be fully discussed with our certified providers before any prescriptions are written. The initial and maintenance and phasing will be discussed with the start of treatment. The timetable of how long the patient needs to be on Suboxone varies and is individualized to each patient.
We require monthly visits, with urine drug screens, to ensure compliance with our program and office policies. Discontinuation of all illicit and non-prescribed medications is required. A key to success is the keeping of all scheduled appointments by patients.
"I tried everything and didn’t know what to do. But thanks to the Suboxone treatment I have my life back."
Patient Review
Take Control Of Your Life Today!
We do not accept any form of insurance for office visits. We do accept cash, Visa, MasterCard, or patients may use a health savings account. We will assist patients in using their insurance for prescribed medications, and laboratory studies. We will also perform prior authorizations for prescribed medications if required by insurance provider.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment. Call us at 334-209-1061 or fill out the
contact form below for more information.